Saturday night, we booked it to the St. Louis area and pulled in to the Glen Carbon Wal-mart at 2am. This was our second Wal-mart camp out. Not sure at what point one becomes a seasoned veteran at the Wal-mart camping routine? Also, just to update everyone in the west, the Mississippi River was still there, in case there was any concern. Sunday, we stopped to see the McCoy/Lee/Sanford crew in Worden, IL. It was great to see them and as luck would have it, it was brew day at East Wind Brewing Company. We got to sample some tasty handcrafted brew. After the kids got some sufficient romping around time with the two Lee kids and the 4 McCoy kids, we loaded up and headed due east for 3 hours to Palestine, Illinois. We were headed to see the Parrish’s with their 4 kids at their country house.

We met these guys 3 years ago at the Feast of Tabernacles in the Poconos. Our kids haven’t been lonely on this trip for sure. They treated us to a beautiful and tasty dinner and a nice slice of blueberry pie. We hit the sack (late again) and planned for a 6 or 7am departure for the last haul (11 hours) to central Pennsylvania. No need for an alarm, since a Midwest thunderstorm started rolling in. By the time we were trying to head out at 6:30 am, the storm was directly over us. The lightning flashing and the thunder was a-crackin’. Interesting morning in the Airstream as the downpour outside started to make its way inside. Towels, buckets and the like were needed to keep the water at bay (no pun intended). The radar showed a steady line of thunderstorms directly over us, so waiting it out wasn’t going to work. We all hastily said our goodbyes, hopped in the truck, soaking wet, in between lightning strikes directly around us and started driving. This helped stop the leaks and got us on our way. We are currently stopped for the morning fix. You know its a bad storm if it stops us from having coffee first.

Leaks too??? Oh my. Sorry there have been soo many issues with the trailer and truck. I really wish the trailer had been road trip ready!
….Brings a whole new meaning to the “stream” part of Airstream….
I know it would take some major drama to keep me from my morning fix…I can only imagine what that was like. It brings back memories of hiding in our basement during our several years in Iowa and encountering tremendous storms and tornado warnings. Sorry about the leaks. 🙁 With a vintage trailer like yours and ours, I think it’s nearly impossible to have all the kinks worked out. Ours leaks around a window during intense rain. Here’s hoping to a day of smooth ‘streamin and of course plenty of coffee fixin’…. Love to you all.